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खेलो खेल Pratiyogita शतरंज खिलाड़ी टीमें जनसभा TV
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 पुन: कनेक्ट
 हिन्दी, हिंदी
 प्रवेश करें


RATING 1500 ±700
Luiz Novaes

Learning chess again, helps me to ease the difficult times that humanity lives. I am starting and I believe I have a lot to learn here. Congratulations abut the "liches.ru" and thanks for signing up. I still have little knowledge about openings, games, players, but I hope to study and move forward with your help. By

Nova Lima, MG, Brazil Português

सदस्य बनने की तारीख Mar 30, 2021

अंतिम लॉगइन

पसंदीदा प्रतिद्वंदी